Principles Of Persuasion
Reciprocity– Customer’s feel obliged to give back to someone who gave them first (lending)(use the word fair often )
“Baba Myles, unaona wakati ulikuwa unahitaji pesa za kuinua biashara sisi kama “brand” tuliweza kukusaidia na ukapata iyo loan ya 11,000. Ndio maana nakuhimiza urudishe mkono na ufanye kukamilisha loan leo ili ata next time ukihitaji usaidizi utapata nafasi ya kurudi kwa app na kuweza kureapply loan nyingine…..”
Liking-Customers prefer to say yes to those they know and like(find a commonality, something that is similar with their negotiation opponent).(working together for a common goal) You can do this by cooperating with others, by paying others genuine compliments and by identifying similarities and building relationship (rapport,empathy,acknowledge ment ,communication skills)
Authority-Individuals who are authoritative, credible and knowledgeable experts in their fields are more influential and persuasive than those who are not. This is best portrayed when answering customers query on the brand ,question on limits, next loan eligibility , how waivers work, payment history, interest etc. Authority can also be portrayed from tone of voice and call control.
“Bwana Moses, hii loan yako imefikia 15,422, because after taking the 12,000 loan on ” mention date” an interest of 19% (2280) was added as a facility fee, kama unavyo elewa ,kila biashara lazima iwe na faida yake ndio kazi iendelee na pia tuweze kukusaidia wakati mwingine. Sasa after umepitisha ule muda ambao tulikua tumeelewana pale kwa APP na pia terms and conditions ,an 8%(1,142) ikaongezeka kama late fee baada ya sisi kukupa a grace period of 7days…..
Social proof- The idea that if a lot of our peers are doing something ,then it’s probably a good choice for us to do something similar.
“Madam @Magdalene Mweni Mwalali ata niko na mama hapa anafanya kazi sokoni, alikuwa na loan ya 22,000 na anang’ang’ana kulipa kila siku 650 na kwa sasa amebakisha 2600 ili akamilishe .Kumaanisha ukijicommit kutoka kwa biashara yako ya spareparts na ufanye malipo ya 1800 daily utaweza kumaliza kulipa by next week ili ata izi simu za kila wakati zikapungua…..”
Scarcity-People tend want things that are not easily available/not easily accessible. Use fear of loss in this case.i.e. waiver
“Madam Loreen, kwa kua umenielezea yakwamba hali yako haijakua rahisi tumekuchagua kati ya wengi na kukupa hii dsicount.Tumekuondolea hii 7,000 kwa ile loan yako ya 17,000 .So kwa sasa utalipa tu 10,000.Hii 7,000 utakua unasave na inaweza kisaidia kununua stock ya biashara au kulipia watoto shule. Lakini hii offer ni ya mda mfupi tu !Na sina uhakika itaisha lini”
Commitment-We want to be consistent with want we have said and done already publicly. Also from a persuasion and influence perspective, this means that if I can convince you to act in a minor way in relation to something, then you’ll think of yourself as that type of person and be more likely to act in that way again in the future
“Sisi kama “the brand” tunaenzi customers wetu na tuko committed kuendelea kufanya biashara nao. Ndio maana ingekuwa vyema ukafanya mallipo yako Bwana Omendo na kukamilisha loan ya 6823 toka kwa salary ili uendelee kuenjoy services zetu ; na ili ukaendelea kutengeneza borrowing points zako na “”brand name.”