While selling benefits be keen to note that it is key to sell benefits that suit the customer’s situation i.e you are able to provide to the customer what they would want.e.g.A matatu driver might not necessarily need another loan at the moment he, however, would like a reduction in calls that they receive while driving around.
Business owners might not be bothered as much by the frequent calls but it would warm their hearts if they knew that if they wanted to restock their business they would have an opportunity to revisit the app and reapply for a new loan.Therefore, based on the customer’s RFD and source of funds we can then determine the kind of benefits to sell to each type of customer.
Below are the different types of benefits that we can sell in collection calls.
1. Improve borrowing points with the brand otherwise they would be negatively affected.
“Bwana Ali ningekuhimiza ufanye malipo yako leo ili ukaendelea kuimarisha borrowing points zako nasi….”
“Madam Loice ingekuwa vyema ukatimiza ile ahadi ya kufanya malipo yako leo kwa kuwa the more unakawia kufanya malipo unaffect zile borrowing points zako na “the brand”…..”
2. Maintain a good credit status with the brand
“Madam Beryl ingekuwa vyema ukifanya haya malipo yako ya 4500 kutoka kwa kibarua ya ukulima pamoja na unayopkea ya chama ili ukaweza kumaintain credit score yako na sisi…”
“Ningekuhimiza ufanye malipo yako leo badala ya next week kwa kuwa the more unakaa na hii loan unaaffect ile credit core yako na “the brand”……”
3. Reduction in the number of calls received.
“Bwana Baraka i would advise kwa ile pesa umeunganisha hii wiki toka kwa biashara ya maji ufanye malipo yako leo ili ata zile simu unapokea all the time zikapungua…”
“Madam Carol ingekuwa vyema tukaongea pia leo kuhusu the remaining balance ndio tuone commitment yako kufanya malipo na pia izi simu unapokea all the time zitapungua kwa kuwa ume tengeneza plan ya kufanya malipo…”
4. Maintain good relations with the brand.
“Unajua John nkiangalia hii record yako ulikuwa umechukuwa loan 14 times na ili kuendelea kuimarisha uhusiano wako na “the brand” , ingekuwa vyema kwa hii 2000 uliyonayo uunganishe na ile ya savings at least ukamilishe mkopo leo ili ukaendelea na ile recordi mzuri nasi…”
5. New opportunities to borrow again.
“Madam Millicent toka kwa ile mshahara unayopokea leo pamoja na savings unaeza fanya malipo ukamilishe and you will still stand a chance ya kurudi kwa app na kuendelea ku-enjoy hizi services zetu…..”
6. Improve their loan limits.
“…. sasa Bw Moses unajua kwamba the more unakopa na kulipa mikopo yako kwa wakati, unaendelea kupata nafasi ya kutengeneza loan limits zako?….”
7. Be in the brand’s good books
“Bwana Leakey nakuhimiza ufanye malipo leo kwa kuwa utaweza kuimarisha rekodi zako nasi and unaona when the records are rectified you’ll be taken back to the “brand’s” good books meaning ile uhusiano ulikuwa nayo utazidi na utaendelea kucreate more chances of borrowing……
Note: we should be careful when selling benefits with credit status, and borrowing i.e they should always be accompanied by the brands name…e.g credit status yako na Tala. borrowing points zako na Branch this will avoid passing the wrong information to the clients