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Call Dispositions

A method to distinguish the outcome of any call is referred to as a call disposition. The following are some of the available dispositions in our systems.

BRPC Busy Right Party ContactSituation whereby on calling a customer who was initially right party on 2nd attempt the number rings then goes busy or hungs up before completion of normal ringing time
BTNCBusy Temporary ContactableOccurs when calling a customer on 1ST attempt, the call rings then hungs up before completion of normal ringing time. OR“This number is currently busy please try again later” or a call-in waiting. 
CALLBKCall backSituation when being negotiating the customer requests to be called back at a later time.
CRCall RejectedWhen a call drops off immediately you dial next.
DDisputingSituation whereby the customers denies loan ownership.
DCDebt ClearedWhen it is confirmed that a loan has been cleared
DCDDeceasedWhen a third-party claim that the right party is dead.
DHUDebtor Hung UpOccurs when on engagement with the customer ends the call abruptly.
DSDebtor SickOccurs when a right party reports to be in a critical health condition
NACNo Airtime CreditWhen airtime has been depleted from the lines.
NCNon CommitalWhen a customer is not willing to make payments or not interested in the loan discussion.
NIPNegotiation in ProgressWhen a customer has the willingness to pay but the situation does not allow. 
NOSNumber out of ServiceAn automatic feedback from the service provider that a number is out of service.
PPPayment PlanWhere a customer and an agent reach to a structured agreement on how to service the loan.
PSOPhone Switched OffWhen the mobile subscriber is not reachable (mteja).
PTPPromise to PayWhen a customer agrees to service the loan, stating the amount and the time to pay the loan.
RNRRinging No ResponseWhen the customer’s phone rings without being picked up.
RUDERude CustomerWhen the customer makes abusive remarks to the agent.
SCSilent CallWhen you initiate the call but no sound is heard
TESTTest CallWhen doing a test call with IT.
TPThird PartyWhen a person other than the right party picks up the call.
UTCUnable to CommunicateWhen a background noise affects the normal communication during a call or a  Language Barrier.
MUTEMute CustomerIt is an RPC that receives the call then goes silent upon picking it or learning about the reason of the call.

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