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Call Dispositions
A method to distinguish the outcome of any call is referred to as a call disposition. The following are some of the available dispositions in our systems.
BRPC | Busy Right Party Contact | Situation whereby on calling a customer who was initially right party on 2nd attempt the number rings then goes busy or hungs up before completion of normal ringing time |
BTNC | Busy Temporary Contactable | Occurs when calling a customer on 1ST attempt, the call rings then hungs up before completion of normal ringing time. OR“This number is currently busy please try again later” or a call-in waiting. |
CALLBK | Call back | Situation when being negotiating the customer requests to be called back at a later time. |
CR | Call Rejected | When a call drops off immediately you dial next. |
D | Disputing | Situation whereby the customers denies loan ownership. |
DC | Debt Cleared | When it is confirmed that a loan has been cleared |
DCD | Deceased | When a third-party claim that the right party is dead. |
DHU | Debtor Hung Up | Occurs when on engagement with the customer ends the call abruptly. |
DS | Debtor Sick | Occurs when a right party reports to be in a critical health condition |
NAC | No Airtime Credit | When airtime has been depleted from the lines. |
NC | Non Commital | When a customer is not willing to make payments or not interested in the loan discussion. |
NIP | Negotiation in Progress | When a customer has the willingness to pay but the situation does not allow. |
NOS | Number out of Service | An automatic feedback from the service provider that a number is out of service. |
PP | Payment Plan | Where a customer and an agent reach to a structured agreement on how to service the loan. |
PSO | Phone Switched Off | When the mobile subscriber is not reachable (mteja). |
PTP | Promise to Pay | When a customer agrees to service the loan, stating the amount and the time to pay the loan. |
RNR | Ringing No Response | When the customer’s phone rings without being picked up. |
RUDE | Rude Customer | When the customer makes abusive remarks to the agent. |
SC | Silent Call | When you initiate the call but no sound is heard |
TEST | Test Call | When doing a test call with IT. |
TP | Third Party | When a person other than the right party picks up the call. |
UTC | Unable to Communicate | When a background noise affects the normal communication during a call or a Language Barrier. |
MUTE | Mute Customer | It is an RPC that receives the call then goes silent upon picking it or learning about the reason of the call. |